I thought this Ramadhan will be the saddest Ramadhan I'd ever had because, you know, my first plan was I wouldn't go back to my hometown due to some reasons; only one week holidays, waiting-list assignments, and ticket price. I told myself that, "OK, I'll stay in the jungle and have my Eid here and everything's gonna be ok". That was kinda a lie tho. How come everything's gonna be ok when you didn't spend your Eid with your family?? I'm not saying that's really really bad tho because lot of my friends did that but, doesn't it feel there's something missing if you have Eid without your family? Yes, there is.
God heard my wishes. Just few days before the holiday my friend Novri told me that KLM round-trip ticket is very cheap and then I checked d*mn yeah, it was only RM350. I mean, compare with Airasia I could save almost RM200! And KLM is a big plane, you got food and everything. You can't compare it with Airasia. What a coincidence! I directly SMS my mom telling her how I'd feel so sad and regret myself if I didn't go back to Jakarta. I told her the ticket price is chep, even cheaper than my brother's ticket that he booked long time before! What a joyful, mom said "OK, I'll send you the money tomorrow so you can buy the ticket." I can't stop thanking God. I'll be back home soon! What a happiness!
But that doesn't stop there. I cannot really use a week holiday because I can't get the bus ticket to Kuala Lumpur. But anyway, I got it by then. I went to KL on September 27th and my flight to Jakarta was on the next day. I spent one night in Samar's house. It was a very nice experience having Ramadhan with Yemeni. I like her mom, she always cooks healthy foods. I found some strange food but I tried it and it was nice. I wanted to eat more but I was to shy haha. Her sisters were also charming. Amal is kinda quite tho. But Abeer, you can tell that she was loking for attention. She kept coming back to the room and tried to check what we did! Soo adorable!
The next day was my can't-wait day! Finally, in a few hours I could see my family again. The thing I really miss the most! I arrived in Soekarno-Hatta airport and saw Fano and Dinda waiting for me. Oh God, looked at Fano's hair! It looks like those F4 guys! So, urgh, not my type. I couldn't help myself giving him comments. So not him! And Dinda, ooh he was soo tall and skinny and darker! Then we walked to Hoka Hoka Bento for iftaar and there I saw my other family members; Dad, as wise as always, Mom as pretty as before, Nusi who still like Nusi haha, Dika with his Bob Marley's hat sooo cool, and Andin my little doll. She was so adorable! She huged and kissed me many times!
The next day I spent most of the times in the house, making cakes and cleaning the house. I cannot meet my friends here. Not because I couldn't, I could but I prefer to spend those few days with my family. The day before Eid my family and I went to my grandfather's house. My younger cousins were all busy setting up the fire-works and lot of things, but I was busy online. Haha.
As always, women usually come late to the mosque. Mom, Nusi and I were busy cleaning up the house before we have the sillaturahim session. My dad and my brothers went to the mosque earlier and the got place inside the mosque but us just had to be happy to pray outside, in front of one of the local-houses. Finished praying, my family had short salam-salaman (kissing the eldery's hands and shaking hands with siblings and asked for forgiveness and saying Eid Mubarak). The thing that we waited so much is meal time! It wasn't new things but always special as it used to be. We had ketupat, lidah sapi, opor ayam, sayur, etc! Sooo delicious!
After that, we went to my grandpa's house again. It was a ritual for all the family to gather in my grandpa's house so we don't have to go around the houses (wasting time and money :D). I've got my salam tempel (Eid money) from my uncles and aunts. They said I'm too big to get it but I still ask for it, I could use it for shopping. haha. Today we also went to my grandma's graveyard, giving doa for her. Then my family continued our trip to Garut (my father's hometown). We arrived there the next day, around 2am. We were so tired but excited at the same time. We went to some of my father's sibling's houses and before afternoon we went to Bandung.
Me and my siblings CAN'T wait to start shopping. Me, not really actually. I don't need to buy new clothes or dresses, I have lot of them already. But I really wanted to buy new pashmina scarfs. They are so expensive and I can never afford it with my own money, even if I can, I prefer to spend it to buy books :D Anyway, I've got daddy with me. Just smiled at him and he'd pay hohoo, naughty daughter. Whatever, this is one in a lifetime opportunity! And, they are nice scarfs really. I also bought a new shoes by accident, really I didn't plan to buy one but this one really attrack my attention! Another thing I was looking for in Bandung is a grey jacket wothout zip and with hood for Ibro. Yeah. Wallahi it was quite difficult to get one. I got one but then he said it wasn't really big, he wants bigger than the one I bought him.
*My new pashmina scarfs! Happy happy..
*Showing off! My new black shoes.
*Ibro's jacket. Kinda big for me but fit for him. Psst, I "borrowed" the jacket specially for this pict :P
God heard my wishes. Just few days before the holiday my friend Novri told me that KLM round-trip ticket is very cheap and then I checked d*mn yeah, it was only RM350. I mean, compare with Airasia I could save almost RM200! And KLM is a big plane, you got food and everything. You can't compare it with Airasia. What a coincidence! I directly SMS my mom telling her how I'd feel so sad and regret myself if I didn't go back to Jakarta. I told her the ticket price is chep, even cheaper than my brother's ticket that he booked long time before! What a joyful, mom said "OK, I'll send you the money tomorrow so you can buy the ticket." I can't stop thanking God. I'll be back home soon! What a happiness!
But that doesn't stop there. I cannot really use a week holiday because I can't get the bus ticket to Kuala Lumpur. But anyway, I got it by then. I went to KL on September 27th and my flight to Jakarta was on the next day. I spent one night in Samar's house. It was a very nice experience having Ramadhan with Yemeni. I like her mom, she always cooks healthy foods. I found some strange food but I tried it and it was nice. I wanted to eat more but I was to shy haha. Her sisters were also charming. Amal is kinda quite tho. But Abeer, you can tell that she was loking for attention. She kept coming back to the room and tried to check what we did! Soo adorable!
The next day was my can't-wait day! Finally, in a few hours I could see my family again. The thing I really miss the most! I arrived in Soekarno-Hatta airport and saw Fano and Dinda waiting for me. Oh God, looked at Fano's hair! It looks like those F4 guys! So, urgh, not my type. I couldn't help myself giving him comments. So not him! And Dinda, ooh he was soo tall and skinny and darker! Then we walked to Hoka Hoka Bento for iftaar and there I saw my other family members; Dad, as wise as always, Mom as pretty as before, Nusi who still like Nusi haha, Dika with his Bob Marley's hat sooo cool, and Andin my little doll. She was so adorable! She huged and kissed me many times!
The next day I spent most of the times in the house, making cakes and cleaning the house. I cannot meet my friends here. Not because I couldn't, I could but I prefer to spend those few days with my family. The day before Eid my family and I went to my grandfather's house. My younger cousins were all busy setting up the fire-works and lot of things, but I was busy online. Haha.
As always, women usually come late to the mosque. Mom, Nusi and I were busy cleaning up the house before we have the sillaturahim session. My dad and my brothers went to the mosque earlier and the got place inside the mosque but us just had to be happy to pray outside, in front of one of the local-houses. Finished praying, my family had short salam-salaman (kissing the eldery's hands and shaking hands with siblings and asked for forgiveness and saying Eid Mubarak). The thing that we waited so much is meal time! It wasn't new things but always special as it used to be. We had ketupat, lidah sapi, opor ayam, sayur, etc! Sooo delicious!
After that, we went to my grandpa's house again. It was a ritual for all the family to gather in my grandpa's house so we don't have to go around the houses (wasting time and money :D). I've got my salam tempel (Eid money) from my uncles and aunts. They said I'm too big to get it but I still ask for it, I could use it for shopping. haha. Today we also went to my grandma's graveyard, giving doa for her. Then my family continued our trip to Garut (my father's hometown). We arrived there the next day, around 2am. We were so tired but excited at the same time. We went to some of my father's sibling's houses and before afternoon we went to Bandung.
Me and my siblings CAN'T wait to start shopping. Me, not really actually. I don't need to buy new clothes or dresses, I have lot of them already. But I really wanted to buy new pashmina scarfs. They are so expensive and I can never afford it with my own money, even if I can, I prefer to spend it to buy books :D Anyway, I've got daddy with me. Just smiled at him and he'd pay hohoo, naughty daughter. Whatever, this is one in a lifetime opportunity! And, they are nice scarfs really. I also bought a new shoes by accident, really I didn't plan to buy one but this one really attrack my attention! Another thing I was looking for in Bandung is a grey jacket wothout zip and with hood for Ibro. Yeah. Wallahi it was quite difficult to get one. I got one but then he said it wasn't really big, he wants bigger than the one I bought him.

So far, that was my story. We just spend few hours in Bandung because I have to catch up my flight on the next day. I need to packing and everything. But overall, this was one of the best Eid I've got! I can spend my time with my family and be happy with it and also the fact that I guess I do very well this Ramadhan. Thanks God for everything!
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