STATUS: 2nd time editing.
We meet again!Friendship. What do you guys know about "friendship"? What I know about friendship is being with Amber, Muna, Sammar, Fatima and Zida. Additionally have fun with the freakiest; QT, Ibro and Sam. Friendship for me is having them all in my life and I'm very happy with it.
Now, let me introduce them to you..
First of all, THE COMPANY!
Yeah.. We called ourselves like that. It's kinda shocking if you guys know the real meaning of "The Company". But I won't write it down here *cough* or they will kill me for selling out our secret of the secret, or whatever it is. We are all coming from different part of the world, yes we are proud of it, and we love each other just like what most sisters do. Let starts!
Start with this petite girl names AMBER. She comes from Ethiopia but she spent most of her life in Yemen. She speaks Amharic, Arabic, English and very broken Bahasa Malaysia (bwahahah, I'll run away from her now..). Anyway, she's a clever girl who always being tortured almost everytime by a Somali elephant. She knows how to choose a good dress when shopping but her only problem is shoes. It's very difficult for her to find her size. Even sometimes the kid's section doesn't have her size (this time I'll make sure I'm still alive, kkkkk). She's a nice person to talk with and never ever disturb her when she's busy doing her assignment. She'll scream like a psycho and scared everyone's out! For additional note, she's a happy single who doesn't mind welcoming any nice guy who wants to know her better. But boys, don't think it's an easy task. She likes an extraordinary guy with a nice attitude. Kick the flirting-thingy out because it doesn't work with her. Just be a mature and not so outspoken guy towards her.
By looking at her picture right here you may already guess what kind of person she is. Yup, no other than the craziest and funniest person you may ever meet! She's a Somali who stayed in UK for, like, umm, forever. Her name is MUNA. Her praying words are sh*t, f*ck, d*mn, and you named them. Hahaha. Never ever expected her to be like an angel. IT WON'T WORK! Ask her to, at least, be quite for a few second, IT WON'T HAPPEN! She talks a lot even when she's sick. She might look big but hey dude, she can shake her body like Kate Deluna in Whine Up! Cannot believe it? I don't ask you to believe it either! Hohoho. Anyway.. she's also a very nice girl. She helps people a lot and sometimes she forget to take care of herself. She's single and so far, doesn't really interested to find a boyfriend. I think she got tired of it. LOLs. She's a movie freak, just like me. She's the top score in coloring her hairs. I think she tried, umm, all the color already. haha.
Now here we come. My pretty roommate! SAMAR is her name. She comes from Yemen. And just like the others, she lived overseas more than in her own hometown. She's the only one who good in swimming among all of us. She teaches us swimming. She knows how to make your eyebrows look nice, yeah you bet she is. She's single who's not interested to look for a boyfriend but she likes having a lot of guy friends. So guys, never thinks that her treatment means she wants special relationship. You just kick your hope far away :D She hates dehbasy (all of us do tho) but she knows that someday she would marry one *giggles*. She's studying IT and hates it when I like stalking on our neighbors haha. She's a scorpion who adores and put a high opinion about the other scorpions. I don't know why. Something unique about her is when she's not in a good mood she likes rolling up. I won't get shock anymore once I found her next to the wall with her head down and legs above the air *sigh*.
Next, we have a Pakistani girl names FATIMA. Me and Muna "found" her on the street. LOLs. Yeah we did. She was new that time and she got lost, and we saved her. Haha. She might be only 21 year old but she's now having her PhD in software engineering with double Masters already in her hands. You can imagine people reaction when they heard this. Even I can close my mouth shut when I heard this. I mean, what a genius she is! I have special nickname for her; Fatumtum. She knows a lot about history and politics especially about Pakistan and India. She's my savior when the girls are in need of driver. They usually use me as their driver because I'm the only one who can drive, now since we have her I don't have to drive. Not most of the time tho because she can only drive automatic. She spends most of her time in the room. And she's online almost 24hours everyday but she often makes herself invisible. She can't stay in hot place for a very long time. She usually set on her AC below 20 degrees which sometimes I feel like I'm in the North Pole.
Our spoiler in the group. Yes she is. Why I said that? Because she's the only one who never wants to join our criminal and naughty activities, hahah. She's too nice to be an angel. Her name is OZODA and she's coming from Uzbekistan. She wants everything to be in order and goes perfectly fine. She can really manage her activities and she prepared everything well for her future plans. You can trust her for works because she is not the kind of lay back person. She likes asking me to do girly stuffs like "sit properly" and "don't bite your finger nails" haha. We all love her so much. Oh ya, one important thing is she doesn't like people advertising her picture. Like what I did this time, hope she won't kill me after she read this. Haha, peace Zida.. Next! The FREAKY FAMILY!They are just like my brothers, also my favorite neighbors and of course, my freaky friends! They are all coming from Yemen. Do all crazy stuff that you as a girl would never imagine before. If you're nice girls, big WARNING for you, hahaha. Don't regret yourselves!
Okay, stop the nonsense. Now here we have Ismail or he'd prefer all call him
SAM. The eldest from three of them. The wisest of all. But let me tell you the truth, it IS very difficult to get close with him and know him better. But once he let you know him closer, you will see a very mature man inside him. That's why it's kinda difficult to write something about him. He wants to do something not always depending on his parents, that's good. As far as I know, he's single. But the same like the other guys, he has lots of admirers. His typical girl has to be in high quality. Ordinary girl, get out of the way! He won't waste his time staring at you twice! Hahah. He likes traveling and just went to Langkawi having nice time for Eid. He likes advising me many things. Especially me to behave. Anyway, he's still as cute as Sam I know.

Move to his younger brother, I now have Ibrahim which you may call
IBRO. From three of them, he's the first one I knew. We had the same family foster in Malacca. He likes anything to do with IT and sports. Many called him fisherman because he's so good at swimming. He has a good body, I used to call him "six pack" guy, hoho.. Not anymore now. I like talking with him. We usually talk about some silly and not important stuffs. Haha, I like talking to him because sometimes, I think, he was soo innocent. His respond to some issues is unique. Until now he has no girlfriend while I told him he can get it easily and long time before but he never try it. Once I asked him why you don't look for a girlfriend and really, his answer (although maybe when he answered it he didn't really mean it) has touched my heart. I won't tell you what he said here, secret. Haha. He likes studying, the things that he does better than me :D I sometimes find him reading his notes. Good guy. One other thing, he can't stay at home for long time. He likes going out and do something. He doesn't like to sleep alot and waste his time for something unimportant.

Here we are, my lovely Kutaiba or his famous name
QT! Anyway, me and Samar gave that nickname *proud*. One thing I hate about him: his skinny!!! He's skinnier than me without even trying. And, he eats A LOT! He might be skinny but he dance very good.. Who doesn't know QT? Here in UUM most of the Indonesian knows him. His half-Indonesian tho. He kinda influenced me with his music taste and he likes acting like those rappers. He knows many swear words you girls won't like to hear it LOLs. Another think about him, he likes to sleep! But he barely sleep in the bed. He usually sleeps in the floor and when you ask him about this he'll say it's healthy. I never know that hurting your back is healthy, hahah ampuuun. He knows how to draw, he teaches me one day but turned out I felt asleep *snored* hahaa. His a very nice friend. He's humble and not picky. And I love him so much! Sexy girls, come in the line. Kkkkk.
That's all my writing about friendship. Those names above are the people inside my "friendship". I don't know whether they feel the same way or not. Even tho the don't I don't mind. They are still the best! Sooner we'll all separate again. We'll have our own future and God only knows what will happen. But I hope I'll still keep in touch with them all.
PS for all of them:1. NEVER FORGET ME!2. Come to Indonesia with me, again for the guys :D3. If someday you guys get married, don't forget to buy me the flight ticket to your country! Bussiness class seat, and a room in the best hotel! haha.4. Love you all.
Duh!! to tweet! Why would i forget you...I can't... even if i wanted to... =)
Lub U!
that's so sweet..i envy sammar..ahaha
wow.. haha..
what an interesting set of friends..
great right?? ^^
What great friends you have there, my dove...!
I still owe one 'cam show' to sammar. 'cuz i still dun have cam on my PC.
samar can't wait.. haha
u've got ur best friends be by ur side
LUCKY ME, I guess..
Actually everyone has their own wonderful friends. It just the matter of how you make them very special in your life. And that's what I do.
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