My mom is a never ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. - Graycie Harmon
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. - Rajneesh
There is no velvet so soft as a mother's lap, no rose as lovely as her smile, no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps. - Archibald Thompson
Those were just some pearl words about mother. This time I'd like to dedicate my writing for my lovely mom, who's also having her 45th Birthday today!
PS: *Bunda is mother in Indonesian language.Early of this month I already thought of my mom's birthday. But sadly, I kinda forget which day is her birthday :D (yeah, I know.. some of you might think I'm such a bad daughter, but hey at least I don't forget it at all!). Then I SMS my sister, asked her which day is our mom's birthday because I kinda confused among 4 or 6 or 7, then she said it's on 7. I directly wrote in my calendar "
7th of November.
And today, I called her and wished her Happy Birthday. But wait a second, it wasn't an easy task to call my mom. First; she's using CDMA which so damn difficult for international number to

either call or SMS. I tried to SMS but I know it such a waste of credit, my mom would never receive the SMS. Then I tried to call her since the morning, but the operator keep saying "The number you're calling-" then
khalaz, I just canceled it. Then I tried again, and my lucky time was in the afternoon. Finally it connected. I talked to my mom! Soo soo happy. She said she was waiting for my call since the morning and she thought I didn't have credit to call her and then I explained her everything. I also told her that me and my siblings already bought her a present and would give it to her once she gets back to Jakarta. I didn't tell her what it is because later on I found that my siblings alrealy planned to make this birthday gift as a surprise but then I told mom that we bought her something :D (Hahah, I'm a spoiler!).
Okay, continue..
The point of my writing this time is not only about her special birthday. I want to share to all of you guys how much I love my mom and how wonderful she is. I'm sure, all of you guys also have the greatest mother ever! So, let's share!
One of the best thing about my mom is her love to children. Here I'm saying not only about her own children but any other children. I'm the only child from her first marriage. My dad died a few months after I was born. I never knew my father's face. But, it doesn't matter. I think my mom is a though woman. She was left by a lovely husband and has to take care of me who was still a baby that time just by herself. You could imagine her position that time, very sad and down but at the same time she can't just give up with life like that especially after she has me. Then she told herself that she didn't wanna get married anymore, at least for a very long time, and she just wanted to rise me up and give all her best for me. But God has another plan for her.
I was two years old when my step dad (my dad now and forever) came and purposed her. She was thinking of rejecting him, not only because she had promised herself not to get married

anymore for a long time and also the fact that my dad that time had not have job yet. He had, but mom's job was far away better than him. But she thought twice right after my dad brought lil two years old
Stevo with lil one year old
Nusi. My step dad has two failure marriage before (read: divorce). I never blame my dad for marrying such an evil step mothers (ops, sorry) but I know how wise and respectful my dad is. Anyway, you can also imagine that time, my dad without wife had to carelessly take care of two lil cute kids.

Mom said, the first time she saw Stevo and Nusi, they were so cute and innocent. But you could tell that no one take care of them. Their face were dirty, their hairs were messy, their clothes were untidy. She couldn't blame my father either, because he was busy looking for a job and struggling for his family. Then, that was the first reason why mom accepted my dad, it was because the kids; Stevo and Nusi; my brother and sister. She also thought I need a father however great her treatment for me is, she knows that a figure of father is important for me. And another thing is, my dad is a good guy after all.
I never realized that I have step siblings. I feel like they're my real siblings although we have different birth mother and father. But I never feel such a different. Yes, our faces are obviously different, but deep inside me, I never feel the differences. They're there in my life, like, forever and ever! Yes, sometimes I cannot lie to myself. Sometimes I imagine if my mom never accepted my dad, Mom will only give her love to me. Everybody loves me and I don't have to share their love with my siblings. But if that was what happened, then I'd never know how it feels to have siblings, I would never know how it feels to have a father, and afterall I would never know what would happen to those two lil cute kids if my mom never said yes. No one would take care of them and I'd never dare to imagine what will happen to them right at this moment if it's not because of my mom's love. They might not have education, they might get the worst step mother ever, they might be some criminals there on the streets begging for money, or the worst you can ever imagine. I thank God I have such a wonderful mother. She never really think of herself. She just think about these lil kids' life and my life.
My mom has another two kids from her second marriage. Which means all of us now become five :D Me, the only kid suddenly have 4 siblings??

That's what we call the greatest thing ever! Heheh. A lot of people keep saying that they don't wanna have too many kids. It will give you a lot of trouble! But my parents keep saying that having lot of kids gives you more glory and happiness, and that's true. One of the happiness in my family is, no other than, of course, a new baby. Her name is
Andin. Wait, let me tell you about my little angel. She's not coming to this world from my mom's, no. We adopted her. Right exactly 10 days after she was born. My mom, as usual, decided to save this little baby's life. I never knew who's her real parents but I don't mind, she's my sister now and none of you can try to harm her!

My parents' story was, Andin's parents cannot afford her future. They're very poor. Mom volunteered herself to raise her up and give her education. She made some agreement with the family that they cannot see Andin until she's grown up and can decide which the best for her and for both of her family. And I can assure that all of us in the family love her very much. We give her too much love and she becomes a little bit spoiled, heheh. We just want all the best for her. My grandparents used to comment the first time they knew my mom took another kid. They thought that we cannot really afford her, but we can always show people that
God will always help you in return if you help others.
I would like to thank God for the best mother ever! I would like to thank my mom for the best family ever! I might not give her more yet, and I know I could never give her more than what she has given me. But I promise myself to give all the best that I can give only for my Mom.Love you Bunda...