Hi all!
Don't know how to start. Actually, long time I didn't write (in blog, I mean). Then someone named Reena (Who's she? I'll tell you later on) asked me to create one. Then, here I am.

Let me introduce myself.. My name's Mira Ayu Lastari. But most of my closed friends called me Dara. OK, for you Malay people I know, I know the way you rolled your eyes when you heard my name facing me like "Say it again? What's your name? Dara? Do you know what's it mean?", like I don't know what it's meant. I know Dara means "virgin" in Bahasa Melayu. So sometimes I heard those people giggling, mentioned my name "Dara, Dara" but what was in their head is "Virgin, Virgin", WTF.
*WTF:What The Freak (and not f*ck, I got that "freak" idea from QT; Who's he? Later on I'll tell you :D haha)
Enough about my nickname. I told myself that next time I meet any new Malaysian friends, I'll just introduce myself with my real name; Mira. Oh ya, you might want to know why I got Dara as my nickname. Ask me why and I'll say, "I don't know" haha, I mean, that's true! I don't know. But sometimes I dun't really wanna look like an idiot who doesn't even know why people named me Dara, so I made a good fake-but-not-really-fake answer. I'll tell anybody that when I was young, around 6yr old, I was the only little girl in the neighborhood. Back in time, there was a song called "Dara kau cantik jelita" (Dara you're very beautiful). And that song was very famous. And since then people called me Dara. Maybe because the fact that I was, and am, beautiful *cough* and I was the only Dara (namely "virgin" or little girl) in the neigborhood then people called me with the name. Haha, I told myself I'm quite creative making up a good story like that.
OK, did I just say that I wanted to stop writing about my name? haha, this time I WILL really stop. Next!
I was born in Jakarta. When? Haaa, this is another complicating mystery (if I can't call it a mistake, doh). Biologically I was born on February 24th 1987. My father left few months after I exsited in this world. You can imagine how was my mom that time, just new-married (almost 2yr only), lovely husband died and the fact that she had to be a single parent for me, so to make it short, she forgot to make me a birth certificate. It was few months after that my uncle reminded her to make me a birth certificate, and she did it. But she change my birthday into July 24th 1987. She said, she was late for more than six months. If she still wanted to make my birthday certificate like the way it should be (on February) she has to pay for summons. And, she didn't want it. So, she made it up for me. And, the funny part is my mom never told me my real birthday until umm, my 17th birthday! Haha, it was quite a shock for me to know that I'm a Pisces instead of Leo (you should know how proud I was to be Leo!). But Pisces is not bad.
Anyway, I now celebrate both birthdays. Those who know my July birthday will celebrate in July, for few less who knows my February's birthday will celebrate it with me on February :D
I'm currently studying in Universiti Utara Malaysia, taking International Affairs Mangement, and single *twink*. I like listen to the music, my friend Muna (Who's she? I'll tell you about her later on :D) said that I'm the bank of songs. Ask any songs you want, I have them (almost all but not always I have them, I mean I'm not that freak *scroll eyes*) old and new songs, pop, R&B, HipHop, Rock, Indie, Korean, Arabic, Cartunes, Religious, anything! And, I like reading so so so much! If you go to the mall with me and later on you find out that I'm gone, no need to worry. Just go to the bookstore and you'll find me there. My favourite book is no other than HARRY POTTER!
Yeah! Ask me anything about the book, I'll answer you *proud*. I also like books written by Meg Cabot, Nicholas Sparks, Norah Roberts, Dan Brown, and so on. I like watching movie, especially those include dancing and explosions. Umm, what else? I like stalking on people *evil laugh* and travelling.
So far, so on, this is all about me.
Thank you for reading..
Don't know how to start. Actually, long time I didn't write (in blog, I mean). Then someone named Reena (Who's she? I'll tell you later on) asked me to create one. Then, here I am.

Let me introduce myself.. My name's Mira Ayu Lastari. But most of my closed friends called me Dara. OK, for you Malay people I know, I know the way you rolled your eyes when you heard my name facing me like "Say it again? What's your name? Dara? Do you know what's it mean?", like I don't know what it's meant. I know Dara means "virgin" in Bahasa Melayu. So sometimes I heard those people giggling, mentioned my name "Dara, Dara" but what was in their head is "Virgin, Virgin", WTF.
*WTF:What The Freak (and not f*ck, I got that "freak" idea from QT; Who's he? Later on I'll tell you :D haha)
Enough about my nickname. I told myself that next time I meet any new Malaysian friends, I'll just introduce myself with my real name; Mira. Oh ya, you might want to know why I got Dara as my nickname. Ask me why and I'll say, "I don't know" haha, I mean, that's true! I don't know. But sometimes I dun't really wanna look like an idiot who doesn't even know why people named me Dara, so I made a good fake-but-not-really-fake answer. I'll tell anybody that when I was young, around 6yr old, I was the only little girl in the neighborhood. Back in time, there was a song called "Dara kau cantik jelita" (Dara you're very beautiful). And that song was very famous. And since then people called me Dara. Maybe because the fact that I was, and am, beautiful *cough* and I was the only Dara (namely "virgin" or little girl) in the neigborhood then people called me with the name. Haha, I told myself I'm quite creative making up a good story like that.
OK, did I just say that I wanted to stop writing about my name? haha, this time I WILL really stop. Next!
I was born in Jakarta. When? Haaa, this is another complicating mystery (if I can't call it a mistake, doh). Biologically I was born on February 24th 1987. My father left few months after I exsited in this world. You can imagine how was my mom that time, just new-married (almost 2yr only), lovely husband died and the fact that she had to be a single parent for me, so to make it short, she forgot to make me a birth certificate. It was few months after that my uncle reminded her to make me a birth certificate, and she did it. But she change my birthday into July 24th 1987. She said, she was late for more than six months. If she still wanted to make my birthday certificate like the way it should be (on February) she has to pay for summons. And, she didn't want it. So, she made it up for me. And, the funny part is my mom never told me my real birthday until umm, my 17th birthday! Haha, it was quite a shock for me to know that I'm a Pisces instead of Leo (you should know how proud I was to be Leo!). But Pisces is not bad.
Anyway, I now celebrate both birthdays. Those who know my July birthday will celebrate in July, for few less who knows my February's birthday will celebrate it with me on February :D
I'm currently studying in Universiti Utara Malaysia, taking International Affairs Mangement, and single *twink*. I like listen to the music, my friend Muna (Who's she? I'll tell you about her later on :D) said that I'm the bank of songs. Ask any songs you want, I have them (almost all but not always I have them, I mean I'm not that freak *scroll eyes*) old and new songs, pop, R&B, HipHop, Rock, Indie, Korean, Arabic, Cartunes, Religious, anything! And, I like reading so so so much! If you go to the mall with me and later on you find out that I'm gone, no need to worry. Just go to the bookstore and you'll find me there. My favourite book is no other than HARRY POTTER!
So far, so on, this is all about me.
Thank you for reading..
ahaha funny la u..birthday boleh tuka2 eh??
x boleh laa tapi mcm mn.. pening nak explain kat org, kkk..
ak masukin blog kmu d blog ak,. *uuhm,. apaan siy nmny!?%@ nge link iap? hehehehe*
is dat okay???
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