Like I told you before, I was planning to go to Hatyai again with my girls which we did just a few hours ago. YEAH, The Company finally went to Hatyai. Not only because we can finally had quite a good shopping but also the fact that we went to Thailand ILLEGALLY. Yes people, believe it or not, none of us which each comes from Indonesia, Ethiopia, Pakistan and Somalia had entered Thailand border with stamps or visa. We illegally entered Thailand! OMG, wasn't it crazy? Yess it was!
Everything was fine for me. As I'm an Indonesian and I entered Thailand many times before. We all lined up for the immigration check. The first problem was coming from Muna who needed to get her stamps on the office because she just renew her passport and all her previous stamps (datas) were, of course, in her old passport. We had to wait for her and answered all those officers questions and bla bla bla. But al least, the point is, she got the stamps and we all officially outside Malaysia.Second challenge: THAILAND IMMIGRATION
Before that, I have to remind you that we know nothing about the visa regulation to enter Thailand. We just tried our luck. And it turned out that none of the countries are on the list for Visa on Arrival which meant we had to get back to Malaysia. But smart Fatima, she kept begging the officer to let us enter the border and Muna tried to convince them that we only wanted to go for shopping. It came to decicion that we had to go back until, thanks God, one of the nice officer called us and let us in! Yeah, he DID let us in, without any visa or stamps, just told us to go on. We didn't think twice! We didn't think of any problem that might happen with us after that. We just did it! Even I'm the one who supposedly can get my immigration stamps just entered freely like that and join my girls! I mean, we really wanted to have shopping in Hatyai so we just went! It wasn't all that free tho. He asked one of our passport (Muna's one) as a guarantee that we will go back in few hours, and we did.Third challenge: ILLEGAL TOURISTS!
Who will feel safe or comfortable when you go to a country illegally, I ask you? No one. Yeah. We felt unsecure, nervous, and all of these worried being caught or something. But afterall we did enjoy our trip. Amber cannot believe herself, I mean she's the one who really doesn't wanna break the rules but she just did. We like this feeling of being illegal and crazy and stuff. We dared try to break the rules! It wasn't just any rule. It IS international rules. A serious ones. If we were caught, khalaz, we'd be in jail. And another thing was, we promised the nice officer who let us in to go back on time so we really ran out of time. Girls shopping really needs lots and lots of times. Especially if you shop in Hatyai, the whole night won't be enough for you. But we tried our best to got back on time although we had to finished our shopping early and we kinda forgot to buy the things we really wanted to buy :D
Fourth challenge: (again) MALAYSIA IMMIGRATION
Remember that we got the departure stamps before? Then we entered Thailand illegally which meant we had no proof at all that we had been in Thailand. So, the problem was when we wanted to enter Malaysia again, the officer quite confused because we had no Thailand stamps then we made a very stupid and obvious lies ever; we told the officer that we didn't go to Thailand instead we just stayed in Duty Free. It was quite unreasonable because Duty Free closed at nine and it was 11 o'clock that time when we were in the immigration. Also, if they hadn't noticed, our plastic bags are all in Thai language that of course it wasn't coming from Duty Free. So, we made another silly lie by telling them that we met our friends from Thai who bought us all of our shopping. I think they knew we lied anyway but as long as they let us go, we are happy. Extremely happy! Ok, next as we can already guess, they once again let us in.Can you guys imagine how happy we were to be back here in Malaysia?? We were so happy! We really wanted to shout as loud as we can with all of this crazy and dangerous adventours we've been through! It's safe to be back. We knew that nothing to be worried anymore. We got our shopping, we weren't caught and throen to the jail, and we were absolutely proud of ourselves. We just became a few hours criminal in Thailand, hahaha.